Back before Odd Duck, before Robot Dreams, Sara Varon created Sweaterweather. This endearing, quirky volume is a captivating look into Varon's creative process. It combines short comics stories, essays, and journal entries, and invites the reader into the world of Sara Varon: where adorable, awkward anthropomorphic animals walk the streets of Brooklyn and a surprising, sideways revelation is waiting around every corner.
Sweaterweather is about a turtle, a rabbit, and other sweet creatures on a snowy journey. Beautiful, funny, stirring, and for all ages. Sweaterweather contains short comics and lots of other delightful things, such as paper dolls, postcards, and stamps.
First Second is proud to introduce Sweaterweather to a new generation of readers in this gorgeous jacketed hardcover, with a new cover and plenty of new content..
2004 Harvey Award Nominee: Best New Talent
128 page color hardcover
First Second, 2016
Categories: All Ages | All Products | New | Sara Varon