1883/Crooked Teeth #5 party and fund raiser!
Dylan WilliamsShare
Please join us for a fund raiser benefiting cartoonists Mollie Goldstrom and Nate Doyle (easily two of Sparkplugs favorite people)!
Both cartoonists have major new comics in the works—Goldstrom with “1883” and Doyle with “Crooked Teeth #5.”
This is a fund raiser for upstart publisher Sweetheart books to gather some start up funds to put out Mollie’s work in the format and volume it deserves….and for Nate to self-publish the latest issue of his beloved comic.
And it’ll also be a really fun party! Live music! Cheap drinks! Original art for sale! Supporting the local arts community! How could you miss something like this? Isn’t this the reason you live in New York in the first place?? OK we will see you there right? OK cool!
Starts at 9pm on December 4th (that’s right…the night before Desert Island/Picturebox’s Brooklyn Comix Fest)! $5-10 suggested donation. Yeah, you can come for free but c’moonnnnnn….
take the L train to the jefferson stop. The party will be at:
538 Johnson Ave, Apt. #210
write to
for more info/if you wanna help out
See you there!