A Special Welcome to Press Gang + More New Goods

A Special Welcome to Press Gang + More New Goods

Marc Arsenault

There’s a new gang in town… the Press Gang – made up of Jason Leivian’s Floating World Comics imprint, cartoonist and editor Zack Soto’s Study Group Comic Books and Elfworld editor François Vigneault’s publishing house Family Style. Press Gang is described on its website simply as “like-minded publishers/packagers banding together.” Wow Cool has carried their many titles for a while now and we’re pleased to see them ganged up and have now grouped them together in the shop. Get the full scoop on this small press PDX hookup in this informative interview with Sean T. Collins on Robot 6.

In the meanwhile. Many, many new items (and a bunch more old ones) have been floated into the Wow Cool shop since we last mentioned such things here on the blog. Of special note are: Josh Bayer’s ROM & Raw Power; John Porcellino’s King-Cat #72; three issues of Press Ganger Zack Soto’s Ghost Attack; Study Group Magazine #1 (Zack & those Press guys again!); oversized Image Comics in the 90s love letter Rub the Blood; Nancy & Sluggo hate mail Suspect Device; and, we finally have Michael Kupperman’s Tales Designed to Thrizzle #7 in stock.

We look forward to your custom, true believer. May your eyeballs bleed and your spleen splinter at these wondrous delights.

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