AltComics Podcast Steve Lafler Live at APE 2017 in San Jose

AltComics Podcast Steve Lafler Live at APE 2017 in San Jose

Marc Arsenault

Straight out of San Jose from MACLA as part of APE 2017 – The Alternative Press Expo – SPOTLIGHT ON STEVE LAFLER– Marc Arsenault hosts a free-wheeling discussion with Steve Lafler talking about his long history in the comics business, his time in Mexico and his series with Alternative Comics Death in Oaxaca. This is our first attempt at a live thing, and it’s a bit echo-heavy. Lessons have been learned. If the Sunday APE episode with Derf and company works out it will likely be even more a mess. But here’s hoping for the best. Steve is also creating comics online that you can support via Patreon.

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This one had the big echo hall thing going on with Mister Lafler. We may do a take two down the line…
Mere hours from now we will have an APE Roundup with fancy voice clips from many of the people who were there over the weekend.

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