Austin English Art Sale!
Dylan WilliamsShare
Austin English’s new book “the Disgusting Room” is done (Sparkplug’ll have a preview of it at the Brooklyn Comics Fest in December) and he is selling artwork. The book itself will be out in early 2011. If you are interested in buying art or checking out more about Austin’s work, take a look at his blog:
Austin says:
“Almost everything I’ve posted from the book I’m willing to sell for about half of what I would normally charge for the pages. So right now I’d let the work go for around 100 to 150 dollars per page. Some of the pages I’ve posted have already been bought in advance but most of them are available. Let me know if you’re interested in any of the stuff that’s up. I also have high quality scans of the enitre book, if you wanna see more.
Write to me at:”