Beyond the Valley of the Book Trade & Back
Dylan WilliamsShare
I’ve just updated my online “Steve Lafler” store front, in time for the Holidays. Featured items include my new prose title Self Employment for Bohemians, graphic novels 40 Hour Man and Tranny and the new El Vocho T Shirt.
I’m looking to slowly reissue my back catalog over the next few years on my Manx Media imprint and I’ll post it all in the store as it happens.
I went after “book trade” distribution in 2005 and stuck with it for a couple years, working like a demon and investing like a nut. It was sort of fun, but financially it was Hell on Wheels! If I ever run into you I’ll give you the sordid details on request.
Thus, grass roots stuff like my own store front and working with outfits like Sparkplug are on the frontburner for this cartoonist.