Godzilla Ongoing: Destroy All Variant Covers

Godzilla Ongoing: Destroy All Variant Covers

Marc Arsenault

Forgot to post on Wednesday that the first issue of the new Godzilla series illustrated by Simon Gane – now known everywhere as “Godzilla Ongoing” – had hit the stands. I’m sorta glad I waited until today. Variant cover madness has reached new heights (or lows) with the news that in addition to the three and a half covers to the print edition there are also two slightly different covers to the digital version. And, not one of them is by Simon. Yup. Can’t make this stuff up folks. That said. It’s a pretty great world in comics where there are Godzilla books coming out and they are illustrated by Simon Gane and James Stokoe.

You can get many of Simon Gane’s books from our shop, including his earlier monster comic All Flee!.

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