Joel Orff’s Lost 9-11 Emergency Relief Comic

Joel Orff’s Lost 9-11 Emergency Relief Comic

Marc Arsenault

In early 2002, Alternative Comics published a benefit book for the American Red Cross as part of the relief effort after the events of 9/11/01 in New York City, Washington D.C. and Pennsylvania, where many people lost their lives for reasons that for most still remain obscure. The book, 9-11 Emergency Relief, featured contributions from a ‘who’s who’ of comic book creators, including Harvey Pekar, Jeff Smith, Will Eisner, Keith Knight, Shannon Wheeler and dozens of others. You can now find this book in nearly every library in America.

One artist Alternative Comics has long been associated with sent his strip in long past the deadline, something that had already seriously stretched past the breaking point. That artist was Joel Orff. Here, at long last — found in the archives, is his comic.

Be with your family and friends today. Remember how fragile life can be. Don’t dwell on it. Share. Do happy things if you can.

Joel Orff on Wow Cool

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