More Random Than Usual Tweet Spew
Marc ArsenaultShare
Monday was the first day of being somewhat set up in the new Wow Cool offices. Got a record number of orders out the door. Got us on the interwebs. Printer is on the network. Still much to do. I am freaking exhausted. Still way too much interesting stuff going on to not share.
Do you know the Press Gang? They are the rag tag fugitive coalition of Family Style, Floating World Comics and Zack Soto’s Study Group Comic Books. They have a tumblr and a Facebook page and they are going to BCGF. The slightly re-branded Study Group Magazine #1 will debut at the show. Wow Cool carries just about every book this trio has put out and we’re eager to see more. Diamond Comics #7? Is that in the works?
There is going to be an Adventure Time comic series debuting in February from Boom! Studios’ all-ages imprint Kaboom! in February 2012. The book will be written by Dinosaur Comics creator Ryan North. Get up close and personal with the artists behind Adventure Time in this report we posted last month.
Watching Rise of the Planet of the Apes while I work on this. Somewhat more disturbing during the current occupied climate.
š! #9 ‘female secrets’ is out! It contains stories by 27 international female cartoonists on 164 pages! Guest editor Ryan Sands. You know you need some of that! See the big preview. Be getting some of those here soon.
Salvador Dalí does Alice in Wonderland
Sam Henderson talks about working on Spongebob Squarepants
How do you feel about a third installment of Puzzle Agent?
Gang of Four’s Dave Allen digs through old notebooks and posts thoughts on Damien Hirst, Johnny Rotten, JG Ballard, Brian Eno and the American suburbs.
“If you could see the world the way I see it” Spend two hours hearing Philip K. Dick Ramble.
I could post many, many more, but am oh so very tired. These were the big ones. Check this space for Black Friday deals and other such nonsense later in the week.