Our Shoddy New Office Mates

Our Shoddy New Office Mates

Marc Arsenault

The news seems to have gotten around that Wow Cool has put up Alternative Comics in the front room like a sketchy relative. This is true. Largely the front room part, where Alternative Comics is now based. The shelves have also arrived. Theyโ€™re fairly nice shelves. They used to belong to those Borders Books fellas. Then they belonged to some other guy. Now they take up a whole damn wall in our front office. It seems these shelves are needed for some sort of Alternative Comics store. Apparently this abomination will open sometime in the late summer. In the meanwhile Diamond Previewsโ€™ August 2012 issue was released today. These dodgy Alternative types have their new Injury Comic (shown above) and old Cute Manifesto book by Eisner Award winning smut-meister James Kochalka listed it it. You are strongly urged to order these through your local comic book shop. Apparently more such dodgy business is to be announced soon. Wow Cool is, and has been for many weeks, your best place to buy Alternative Comics and alternative comics. Thank you for visiting.

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