Rina Ayuyang on Tour!
Dylan WilliamsShare
She’ll be at TCAF in Toronto for Sparkplug next Saturday and on Wednesday in Pittsburgh, PA:
Cartoonist and author Rina Ayuyang will be reading selections from her graphic novel “Whirlwind Wonderland” at Pittsburgh’s Toonseum on Wednesday, May 5th at 6:00 p.m.
Rina, a former Pittsburgher, Will be sharing her stories and illustrations of her life in Pittsburgh and more. Using heart, humor and beautifully illustrated comics, “Whirlwind Wonderland” follows the life-altering exploits of a somewhat-normal Filipino American girl as she meanders through sleepy suburban sprawls, empty diners, fantasy-filled commuter traffic jams, misplaced football fanaticism, ethnic identity crash courses, and just good ole family hi-jinx.
Rina Ayuyang first became interested in cartooning while growing up in the suburbs of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where she spent her days drawing on various scraps of paper, watching Merrie Melodies cartoons, and reading Peanuts comic strips. After focusing many years on painting and conceptual art in San Francisco, she reunited with her first love–comics–in 2001, and began self-publishing “Namby Pamby”, a semi-autobiographical series which focused on the humorous side of the ordinary, everyday moments of one’s life. Rina has just released her first graphic novel with Portland publishers Sparkplug Comic Books and Tugboat Press entitled “Whirlwind Wonderland”, a collection of new shorts stories and selected favorites from “Namby Pamby”.
More of Rina’s comics work can be found in various comic anthologies, notably Stripburger, SPX 2005, and Friends of Lulu’s Girls Guide to Guys Stuff. Besides drawing comics, she has co-founded an online magazine called Creative Skin (creativeskin.net) which has showcased the work of writers, photographers and cartoonists from around the globe. She currently co-hosts The Comix Claptrap, a comics podcast with fellow Bay Area cartoonist Thien Pham in which they interview influential cartoonists and discuss various issues concerning the comics and small press community.
Rina currently resides in Oakland, California, with her husband, son and cat. You can view more of her work at her website and blog, rinaayuyang.com.
Rina will be signing copies of her book after the presentation.
May 5th, 6:00pm
Free admission, donations welcome
The ToonSeum
945 Liberty Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15222