RRRecords - Lowell, MA
Marc ArsenaultShare
After many years of wanting, I finally got to visit RRRecords in Lowell, MA and meet its proprietor Ron Lessard on the recent tour. I failed to put a card in my camera, so had to settle for a single still from the old video cam. One of the releases I was most psyched to be involved in ever was the RRR 500 record of 500 locked grooves. You’ll find me as the bass in track B145 by Horseback Solids. I spent a really long time looking at pretty nearly everything. The vinyl selection was intense. We traded some CDs, I bought a small and strange stack of disks and zines and wandered off dazed to the pub next door to wait for Reverend Baker from Offset Needle Radius so we could start the tour. RRRecords April 11, 2009.
More background on the shop on Wikipedia.