Silent Action! New Bicycle blog by Joshua Baker
Marc ArsenaultShare
The Rev. Joshua Baker would like to let you know about his Unhealthy Fixation… Yup, it’s a fixed gear focused bike blog called Silent Action! He’s been cranking out the entries at a steady pace since the start of the Fall (Autumn in some areas), so there is plenty to catch up on. A friendly place to start for those who are understandably frightened by the fringe world of fixies (I’m terrified of the things).
Joshua’s Bio: “Professional Bike mechanic, musician, gardener, cook, explorer, writer, illustrator, Universal Life Minister, non-pretentious fixie rider, Joshua Baker. I raced Cat 4 road for 3 years in the Portland, OR area. I’ve worked in frame fabrication and bicycle shop service department situations for 10 years. I’ve been on a fixie for 7 years and the fixed gear has slowly taken over to dominate my riding preferences.” Most visitors here will know him more specifically from the bands, Kilauea, Chased & Smashed, God Hates Computers, The Broken Seats and currently Offset Needle Radius; and, from the zine Notes from the Lighthouse.