Sparkplug at APE!
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Sparkplug will be at APE in San Francisco this weekend! Please stop by to say hi, buy books and chat with our artists! APE takes place at the Concourse Exhibition Center on Saturday, October 1st and Sunday October 2nd.
Also, Tom Neely, Landry Walker and others will be participating in the panel “Remembering Dylan Williams” on Sunday at 12:45. Please join us in celebrating Dylan’s life and work.
Here is the panel description:
12:45 Remembering Dylan Williams—The indie comics world lost one of our own on September 10 when Dylan Williams passed away. Dylan was a tireless champion of creators with unique visions, and promoted their work through his career, starting with the mini-comics coop Puppy Toss and a stint behind the counter at Comic Relief. He is best known as the publisher of Sparkplug Comic Books. Artists, publishers, and friends who were touched by Dylan’s influence — including Tom Devlin, Todd Martinez, Tom Neely, Virginia Paine, Landry Walker, and others — join together to remember Dylan and his passion for comics in this special tribute panel. Please attend and share your memories.