Street Art San Francisco: Mission Muralismo

Street Art San Francisco: Mission Muralismo

Marc Arsenault

mission mural book
I totally missed this one. Ran across it at a South Bay Barnes and Noble. It was released this summer. A seriously high production quality volume packed with astoundingly clearly shot and reproduced photographs, thorough documentation and attribution of works and a stellar set of contributors. There can be many books of San Francisco street art (and I can think of a few artists and pieces that did not make it into here) but this is by far the most impressive, and the one with the most heart (that I have seen). Many old friends from Wow Cool’s previous stay in the Bay Area are well represented, including Ivy, Matso?!, Mark Bodé and Chuck Sperry. If you’re looking for a nice coffeetable graf book for a friend, choose this one.

Street Art San Francisco: Mission Muralismo Homepage

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