Thanks for your continued patience.

Shopify API

Hello friends of Sparkplug,

I am just writing to check in, and thank everyone who has ordered something for their continued patience. Sparkplug has always been a small company – I have been Dylan’s only employee for the last year. I have a lot of help right now, but things are still going slowly with order processing. I’m waiting on many titles to be restocked in order to ship several dozen orders. Again, if you have any questions about your order, please contact me (virginia (at) sparkplugcomicbooks (dot) com) and I will do my best to help.

I’d also like to confirm that there WILL be a Sparkplug table at APE, the Minneapolis Indie Expo and Brooklyn Comics and Graphics Fest. We look forward to seeing you there!

Thanks again for your continued support of Sparkplug and Dylan.


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