Tom Spurgeon reminds us why he is the best commentator on comics we've got

Tom Spurgeon reminds us why he is the best commentator on comics we've got

Marc Arsenault

Among the witless speculation and fantasy being trolled out on what I imagine might still be called comics fandom concerning what the recent decision regarding ownership of Superman might mean in the long run, one shining beacon of reason drops the science on corporate comicbook publishing in spectacular fashion. Be very grateful that Tom Spurgeon is with us.

An industry where the caretakers of properties make far more money off of creations than the creators themselves due to legal circumstance and standard practices that greatly favor corporate ownership should be an intolerable one to every single person who has even a half-measure of interest in the comics they read beyond the initial thrill of looking at the ink on paper.

Read on, true believer!

Superman spotted in The Research Triangle
Superman spotted hiding out in the Research Triangle In a BT box at a Hampton Inn in Cary, NC.

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