Top 10, 2010
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Dylan asked me to make a top ten list of comics for the year. I’m not an expert or anything, and have mostly been too broke to buy books, but these are my favorite things I’ve read in 2010. Not all are strictly comics – some are zines that include comics. Also they aren’t in any order!
-Flesh and Bone, by Julia Gfrorer (Sparkplug). This one is kind of a duh, it’s gotten tons of good reviews. Beautiful and disturbing.
-Make Me a Woman, by Vanessa Davis (Drawn and Quarterly). Vanessa is so talented. That is all.
-Calico Jack, by Patrick Devine (self-published). A pirate-y space opera from a friend of mine. Very entertaining.
-The Fifth Quadrant, by various (self-published). A collaborative art zine that includes work by a former student of mine, so you know I’m a little biased. Really great art.
-The Accidental Cat Lady, by Breanne Boland (self-published). I’m a sucker for cat-related things. This one is equal parts writing and comics, and totally hilarious. I love her drawing style as well.
-Dangerous Aromas, by the Soft Sciences (self-published). A coffee-themed adventure story!
-everything Nicole Georges put out this year. She was super-productive. I love all her work.
-The Month in Comics, by Geminica (self-published). My favorite diary comics I read this year. I wish she did them all the time.
-Batcave Beach Chapter One, by Aron Whitaker and Melinda Tracy Boyce (self-published). Melinda and Aron are so awesome. The art in this is breathtaking. I’m looking forward to the next chapter!
-I Cut My Hair #3, by Lisa Rosalie Eisenberg (self-published). This one’s about the author’s trip to China. I love Lisa’s clean, crisp style.
Non-comics zines that I liked this year:
Take a Picture, It Lasts Longer, by Annmarie O’Malley
Various issues of Culture Slut, by Amber Forrester
Railroad Semantics, by Aaron Dactyl
That’s all I can think of right now!