Top Comics of the Decade: Sparkplug!

Dylan Williams

There has been a recent push for top 100 books of the last decade. Sparkplug books have made some amazing placings. It is pretty awesome and we’re pretty proud to have been given the chance to publish such masterpieces.

Rob Clough’s Top 100:
7. Asthma by John Hankiewicz
28. Bookhunter by Jason Shiga
37. Department Of Art #1 by Dunja Jankovic
42. Inkweed by Chris Wright
70. Orchid edited by Dylan Williams and Ben Catmull
95. The Hot Breath Of War by Trevor Alixopolous

and a few honorable mentions too. Take a look at his list in full here. I left Department of Art the first time I posted this.

And then the Top 60 comics of the past decade on Only the Cinema, as chosen by Ed Howard chose Asthma by John Hanckiewicz as #6 which is pretty amazing considering the mainstreamy-ness of the list over all. Awesome news.

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